Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Did somebody say Frames?!

Well I've got a few different things I've worked on recently since I had a day off work for the 4th of July AND sister and I had craft night (not saying that it went well tho.....:-/ )

SO I bought a really crappy frame in the 80% off aisle at Hoblob recently for like $2 and something knowing I could redo it...which I did successfully! YAY!:-) I LOVE it! :-) So here is a before and after of that!This is another frame I'm in the process of doing....I bought it for $2.50 for craft night w/sister last night and it was just a plain wood one meant to be decorated. I'm thinking of adding the word "sisters" at the bottom in white letters and putting a pic of me and sis in it.

And here is the frame sister worked on....she didn't have much fun and is going to redo this redo....I should have taken a before pic of it too woops!

I started on another frame tonight but had a bad time with it and got very discouraged :-/ I was trying to use a pretty wrapping paper but I guess thats not going to work! heh so I'll try again another day......

And here is the key chain holder I've been working on for the laundry room....I like it, yet I feel like it still needs something...I want to change the border possibly but need useful ideas for it...hmm...

I started doing these crafts because A. I need a hobby ha B.I thought it would be cheaper and easier....buuuuttt its proving to be pretty expensive so far, apparently I need to just get my personal supply larger and then it will be cheaper. is NOT easy!!!!! darn bloggers make it seem so simple! And well sometimes things are easy, my first frame was really easy and I love it, now the other 2 i have worked on are just BLAH! but hubby says I'll get better with practice! :-)

On another note we had my family over last weekend for shishkabobs! Sweet hubby even let me buy outdoor plates....but then it rained....but we still used them indoors and I love them! from target of course! Anywho, here is a pic of some of the yummmyness we ate, it was my first time to make these and it took FOREVER! never knew.... and my sister brought us pretty gerber daisies(my favorite!)

OH! and I returned something to Target so I bought these cute little ball things ( i have no idea what the technical word is for them but everyone and their mother have these in their houses) and then I used a glass holder from our wedding and put them on our table in the living room and I love it! :-)
I also painted this cross for our black and white bathroom...I'm unsure if I love it but it DOES match so theres the benefit! ha

alright....time to go read everyone else craftiness!!

p.s. OBVIOUSLY I FINALLY figured out how to move pics around! yay me!