Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yay! An almost done project!

Well tonight I found out there was a Hancock Fabrics store near where I was meeting old friends for dinner. Which by the way, I definitely need that time with my old girl friends. I miss seeing friends so much all the time, and just talking about cheer and girl things! Its fun! I'm so lucky they are still around town for a little while longer! :-) on a sad note my poor Iphone is on its last turned itself off today, then we finally got it back on and then I dropped it....without its case on...twice....from the table to the tile there is a rather large crack on the screen-ugh, this month sure is expensive!!!

But on a brighter note, I dropped the phone off the table while doing this project! :-) I have been wanting something a little more girly for our guest room,this whole house can some days still seem like a boys house! I have seen this on HGTV and I'm sure the same concept on blogs but of course I didn't do it the exact same way they did. Sometimes supplies are expensive or hard to find. I got the board from Michaels the other day, a little more than I would have liked to have paid for a plain white board but I wanted something with a little depth and I had a coupon, so I guess it only came to less than $4, not bad but not a steal! Then finally tonight I went and bought some super cute fabric! I just loved this! Pretty much the whole store said 1/2 price but of course the one I loved was not marked down...eeek. I decided to pay the super expensive price for this tiny project because I knew I would have leftover material and be able to do other projects with it and hopefully pay for itself? ya.... anyway without any further jibber jabber I made this board thing. I measured it all out, pinned it to the back really tightly and then hot glued it down(which I bought the hot glue gun tonight, my first very own hot glue gun, how exciting!). Now my only problem is I have no idea how to hang it! But I am very pleased with my end result! :-)It was not super cheap as I'd hoped, but super simple and fun, and will look great on my big empty wall!!

YAY tomorrow is Friday!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stuck in the middle

Stuck in the middle of multiple projects!

The picture of the pink M is just something I saw at walmart randomly and decided I would paint it and make it cute for my little niece Maddy...but after painting it pink I can't decide how to decorate it. So many options! Any ideas?? help!

The other picture is of my new goodies! Well I made a little trip to Hoblob, $ tree and Michaels yesterday after work and came back with these goodies! BUT even with all these goodies, I didn't get everything needed for even 1 project...I can start a couple different projects but not last night I started on my coasters! I started 3 of them and realize I'll get better with practice, I still need something to finish them though, so I'll post those at another time. But it was alot of fun to do!

I was unable to find any good fabric at Hoblob that isn't for a 55 year old womans house, So I plan to make a trip to a fabric store some time this weekend! I need it for like 3 different ideas! So excited!

I thought we were going to finish the yard tonight and then I coulda put up awesome pics of it...but of course we ran into some problems, as always. Nothing ever goes as planned it seems....but I guess thats life, gotta roll with it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Introductions Please

Meet Molly

Ya, she is our sweet baby! :-) She sure is a handful though! Who woulda thunk?! This pic is of her outside in her outdoor cage....which is supposed to keep her out of mud and such while we are working on the yard outside...but of course she has learned to jump and crawl out of it. It is really cute and we laugh but everytime we try to work on the yard she ends up a huge mess! Anyway, we love her even though she bites, yelps, pees, poops, and scratches. heh Hubby and I are just completely in love with her and don't know what we did before we had her!

This is my other favorite! Hubby and I went and hit golf balls the other day. I just love doing anything with him! :-)

And here we have dinner tonight, Pesto spaghetti and tomato and mozzarella cheese,YUM! tomorrow = leftover night!

This is my life :-) My puppy, my hubby and...well...not dinner....also I have family and friends....but this is part of my life! They are what get me through each day! What I get excited to come home to! I get a kiss from both as soon as I walk through the door! And then I get to cook, clean, etc and now I have added crafting to the list too. :-)

Next time shall be pics of all the great work we have done on the yard, yes before and afters! OR pics of my recent craftiness...I have become obsessed with creating cute things and love reading all these crafty peoples blogs all the time. On the blogs I read I learn the best deals with coupons, recipes and crafts and yes I steal these crafts. I will continue to steal these crafts (and of course give credit where its due)that others post until I grow another brain or something and all the sudden have the craft gene/bone/side of brain. Anywho this blogland is pretty cool. :-)
Until next time!

*woops my pics didn't show up as I thought....I'll figure this out eventually, you get the point!*