Saturday, October 23, 2010

FINALLY an update! :-)

Well, it has been forever since I have been on here! I no longer have a boring job where I can look at things online for parts of the day and at night I'm busy too so I don't ever get to read blogs anymore OR make crafts :-( I'm back in college and love parts of it and love some of my classes so thats great! BUT it is ALOT of work!!! So I am busy and my house has been a mess!
BUT it is fall break and I finally did a project I have been wanting to do for a long time! So here it is!

I made them tonight during the OU game. I just got some plain wood letters and modge podged them w/different scraps of paper I had. I think I love it! :-) Although mod podging can be really irritating sometimes with all of the bubbles!
Tomorrow it is suzy homemaker time! I cleaned the house on Thursday but will tidy again and then my family is coming over to celebrate Hubby's birthday! And I'll be making the most delicious chicken tortilla soup, and some cupcakes! I may also make some dip that I got at Affair of the Heart yesterday. I love snacking there! :-)

Anywho, that's my update for my 1 reader-Maria! :-)
I STILL want to sew something really bad! My goal is to get more organized this 2nd half of the semester so I have more night time free time! I worked like the 1st month and half of school so I got outta wack, but now I'm getting my flow!
p.s. I'm also the cheer coach/sponsor for OC this year! yay! so that keeps me busier than I thought!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Check out what came yesterday! WOOOT!!! SO excited!!

I haven't started anything yet but I do have plans!! First a pillow and then I will start on curtains! It is just TOO hard to start anything crafting or sewing right now since it is summer! I LOVE SUMMER! But soon I will be busy with school and work. btw I'm going back to college for a 2nd degree-early childhood education this time around, VERY excited! :-) And I'll work part time for a little bit until they get someone at work trained, then its just focus on school time. BUT I plan on having curtains by Christmas! haha

seeeeee ya!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Did somebody say Frames?!

Well I've got a few different things I've worked on recently since I had a day off work for the 4th of July AND sister and I had craft night (not saying that it went well tho.....:-/ )

SO I bought a really crappy frame in the 80% off aisle at Hoblob recently for like $2 and something knowing I could redo it...which I did successfully! YAY!:-) I LOVE it! :-) So here is a before and after of that!This is another frame I'm in the process of doing....I bought it for $2.50 for craft night w/sister last night and it was just a plain wood one meant to be decorated. I'm thinking of adding the word "sisters" at the bottom in white letters and putting a pic of me and sis in it.

And here is the frame sister worked on....she didn't have much fun and is going to redo this redo....I should have taken a before pic of it too woops!

I started on another frame tonight but had a bad time with it and got very discouraged :-/ I was trying to use a pretty wrapping paper but I guess thats not going to work! heh so I'll try again another day......

And here is the key chain holder I've been working on for the laundry room....I like it, yet I feel like it still needs something...I want to change the border possibly but need useful ideas for it...hmm...

I started doing these crafts because A. I need a hobby ha B.I thought it would be cheaper and easier....buuuuttt its proving to be pretty expensive so far, apparently I need to just get my personal supply larger and then it will be cheaper. is NOT easy!!!!! darn bloggers make it seem so simple! And well sometimes things are easy, my first frame was really easy and I love it, now the other 2 i have worked on are just BLAH! but hubby says I'll get better with practice! :-)

On another note we had my family over last weekend for shishkabobs! Sweet hubby even let me buy outdoor plates....but then it rained....but we still used them indoors and I love them! from target of course! Anywho, here is a pic of some of the yummmyness we ate, it was my first time to make these and it took FOREVER! never knew.... and my sister brought us pretty gerber daisies(my favorite!)

OH! and I returned something to Target so I bought these cute little ball things ( i have no idea what the technical word is for them but everyone and their mother have these in their houses) and then I used a glass holder from our wedding and put them on our table in the living room and I love it! :-)
I also painted this cross for our black and white bathroom...I'm unsure if I love it but it DOES match so theres the benefit! ha

alright....time to go read everyone else craftiness!!

p.s. OBVIOUSLY I FINALLY figured out how to move pics around! yay me!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Welp I'm falling behind on the Happy House cleaning project.....but its because we were on Vacation for 2 weeks! SO LONG! Obviously for part of the trip we were in Paris!

I missed our little Molly SO bad while we were gone! :-( We are so glad she is back with us! We just love taking her in the car, she loves sticking her head out the window! :-)

Here is a pic of the clock I have worked on here and there...I can't decide if I like it or not.....i recently added more of the flowers because it seemed empty...I need an honest opinion tho.....

anyway, I hope to get back to working on my keyholder piece for the laundry room again soon since things should be back to settling down!

also...I want a sewing machine!!!! Every house needs one, DUH!

Monday, June 7, 2010


Well I have had this shelf thing since I was little. My mom painted it for me to match my room. I decided to refinish has taken me months and I have gotten nowhere! ack! We had thought it might be a nice old piece...wrong!! My dad came over last night and saw it and realized it is made of particle board :-( boo. So we put it out by the street last night for big junk pickup. I'm sad to see it go and that I'm giving up but really, it was going nowhere! maybe someone else will see it and make it beautiful again? meh.

This weekend was my birthday! I had a great birthday weekend and I love my husband and family, they made it great!I got some great gifts too! :-)

well now I want to go work on my keychain holder that I'm making for the laundry room. I painted the laundry room robins egg blue and I LOVE it! :-)

seeeeee ya!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Craft Night w/my sista!

Well my sister had this awesome letter thing she wanted to make for a friends birthday (wish I woulda taken a pic...) so she came over and we had some homemade pizza and had a little craft night.

Also, I found my during pics of making the stone wreath.

I'm getting a little discouraged about all the crafty things I want to do because they are never as easy as they look and they never turn out as I think/want...:-/ My stones on my spring wreath fall off 1 at a time daily....ugh. I just get the hot glue gun out and put it back on. haha

Also, I posted some pics of some of the flowers that hubby and I planted a few weeks ago, we were really happy with how it all turned out for our first time. And then the hail came on Sunday :-( All our pretty flowers are gone. so much darn weather!!!

anywho, I'm in the middle of redoing an ugly wall clock..someone gave it to us for our wedding and I of course forgot a before pic, but believe me its ugly! ha! so i spray painted the gold hands and covered the rest with I'm not sure what i'm going to do..its too plain.... so thats next!

The letters "N" and "M" were an idea I've had for awhile...but completely different. ha. I wanted to do sticky letters and just glass frame and then put a pretty ribbon to hang it on the wall on each side of our bed...but then i found the pretty scrapbook paper and thought it would make the color of our doesn't....oh well! ha I'll find another place to put these cuz I still like them! :-)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Spring Wreath!

Well I have finished my spring wreath for my front door! I actually had pictures all through out the process but my camera decided not to keep them, ugh. Anyway, it took quite a bit of time doing this wreath but well worth it! It's so cute for spring! I'm still unsure of how to hang it, I think my ribbons are going to come off because it is a really heavy wreath now with the stones but hopefully they don't all break! If you want to know how to do it, I got the directions from
just make sure you paint the wreath, not spray paint. I originally spray painted it, but the foam just soaks up the spray paint and took multiple coats and still you could tell it was green. therefore paint it!
anywho, it was pretty simple and cheap! the flowers are leftovers from wedding stuff, along with the ribbon, woot!

welp Happy Sunday!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yay! An almost done project!

Well tonight I found out there was a Hancock Fabrics store near where I was meeting old friends for dinner. Which by the way, I definitely need that time with my old girl friends. I miss seeing friends so much all the time, and just talking about cheer and girl things! Its fun! I'm so lucky they are still around town for a little while longer! :-) on a sad note my poor Iphone is on its last turned itself off today, then we finally got it back on and then I dropped it....without its case on...twice....from the table to the tile there is a rather large crack on the screen-ugh, this month sure is expensive!!!

But on a brighter note, I dropped the phone off the table while doing this project! :-) I have been wanting something a little more girly for our guest room,this whole house can some days still seem like a boys house! I have seen this on HGTV and I'm sure the same concept on blogs but of course I didn't do it the exact same way they did. Sometimes supplies are expensive or hard to find. I got the board from Michaels the other day, a little more than I would have liked to have paid for a plain white board but I wanted something with a little depth and I had a coupon, so I guess it only came to less than $4, not bad but not a steal! Then finally tonight I went and bought some super cute fabric! I just loved this! Pretty much the whole store said 1/2 price but of course the one I loved was not marked down...eeek. I decided to pay the super expensive price for this tiny project because I knew I would have leftover material and be able to do other projects with it and hopefully pay for itself? ya.... anyway without any further jibber jabber I made this board thing. I measured it all out, pinned it to the back really tightly and then hot glued it down(which I bought the hot glue gun tonight, my first very own hot glue gun, how exciting!). Now my only problem is I have no idea how to hang it! But I am very pleased with my end result! :-)It was not super cheap as I'd hoped, but super simple and fun, and will look great on my big empty wall!!

YAY tomorrow is Friday!!!!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Stuck in the middle

Stuck in the middle of multiple projects!

The picture of the pink M is just something I saw at walmart randomly and decided I would paint it and make it cute for my little niece Maddy...but after painting it pink I can't decide how to decorate it. So many options! Any ideas?? help!

The other picture is of my new goodies! Well I made a little trip to Hoblob, $ tree and Michaels yesterday after work and came back with these goodies! BUT even with all these goodies, I didn't get everything needed for even 1 project...I can start a couple different projects but not last night I started on my coasters! I started 3 of them and realize I'll get better with practice, I still need something to finish them though, so I'll post those at another time. But it was alot of fun to do!

I was unable to find any good fabric at Hoblob that isn't for a 55 year old womans house, So I plan to make a trip to a fabric store some time this weekend! I need it for like 3 different ideas! So excited!

I thought we were going to finish the yard tonight and then I coulda put up awesome pics of it...but of course we ran into some problems, as always. Nothing ever goes as planned it seems....but I guess thats life, gotta roll with it!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Introductions Please

Meet Molly

Ya, she is our sweet baby! :-) She sure is a handful though! Who woulda thunk?! This pic is of her outside in her outdoor cage....which is supposed to keep her out of mud and such while we are working on the yard outside...but of course she has learned to jump and crawl out of it. It is really cute and we laugh but everytime we try to work on the yard she ends up a huge mess! Anyway, we love her even though she bites, yelps, pees, poops, and scratches. heh Hubby and I are just completely in love with her and don't know what we did before we had her!

This is my other favorite! Hubby and I went and hit golf balls the other day. I just love doing anything with him! :-)

And here we have dinner tonight, Pesto spaghetti and tomato and mozzarella cheese,YUM! tomorrow = leftover night!

This is my life :-) My puppy, my hubby and...well...not dinner....also I have family and friends....but this is part of my life! They are what get me through each day! What I get excited to come home to! I get a kiss from both as soon as I walk through the door! And then I get to cook, clean, etc and now I have added crafting to the list too. :-)

Next time shall be pics of all the great work we have done on the yard, yes before and afters! OR pics of my recent craftiness...I have become obsessed with creating cute things and love reading all these crafty peoples blogs all the time. On the blogs I read I learn the best deals with coupons, recipes and crafts and yes I steal these crafts. I will continue to steal these crafts (and of course give credit where its due)that others post until I grow another brain or something and all the sudden have the craft gene/bone/side of brain. Anywho this blogland is pretty cool. :-)
Until next time!

*woops my pics didn't show up as I thought....I'll figure this out eventually, you get the point!*

Friday, February 5, 2010

Our Newlywed Life

Well, I'm sure noone will read this, but I have recently thought about how funny our life is! It's our first year of marriage and we are having a ton of fun and experiencing alot of firsts. So many firsts that just happen to be quite hilarious, therefore I figured why not blog about it so that we can look back and laugh a few times! :-)

Stay Tuned for details....<3