Monday, March 21, 2011


Remember that whole snowpacalypse 2011? Well here are the results from that...I FINALLY used my sewing machine! :-) for pillows...but whatev!
A lovely pillow for our cute puppy to rest on so she'll get off mine!
This is just an accent pillow for our guest room
I baked a little too.....don't remember what this is called, but boy was it yummy! Often the things that look the worst are the best!

Here are the results of the basics cake class I took....baking a cake every week was a bit stressful for me, since my oven doesn't always want to bake thoroughly and I suck at icing, oh and my lovely $200 kitchenaide mixer refuses to work on the stir setting...but hey we got through it! :-)

Here is that "M" for Molly I spoke of before....sometimes I hang her collar and leash on it!

This was just a yummy easy meal-baked ziti!
And last but not least-my latest project. A magnetic bulletin board. We saw these at affair of the heart and my sister and I loved them, but didn't want to pay alot for them, and said we could just make it.....which we say that about a lot of stuff but never do....So for her birthday I made my sister this one. I hope she likes it! its a surprise and ended up being easier than I thought! It cost more than it should have too but I really wasn't in the mood to track down a decent frame and paint it and all, I looked at goodwill once but didn't see anything I liked.

I basically just figured it out on my own, I did a little research online but didn't follow any one person's steps. although I found out you can cut metal with basic scissors-woot! I bought the frame at hob lob, had them put a hanger and back on it since it is a gift and all. I bought a sheet of metal and cut it to size. I bought some fabric and used sticky spray glue around the edges....I'm wondering if I should have sprayed it all over though, but I was too nervous about the fabric looking lopsided and such so I did a side at a time. As for the magnets I saw online that you can just attach a magnet to a button-super easy: buy a fabric covered button making kit and follow directions for button, then glue magnet on to back-woot!

The picture doesn't do it much justice, but I love it! I'm also still in the process of making magnets for it, thats what those 3 little button like things are.

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